Individual Therapy for Adults

2173140073Living a marginal life is no longer enough.

Trying to find validation outside yourself is to live a life of constant disappointment.

Feeling like you are not enough keeps you in a place where you negotiate your value and accept others’ ideas of your self-worth.

You keep yourself small when you do not go after what you want because you think you are not good enough or because people will figure out you are an imposter.

Those emotional thoughts keep waiting to come out, but your past mistakes were humiliating. Everyone around you seems to have it all together. You cannot deal with another disappointment, so you seek validation from others. You are like a chameleon trying to please everyone; keeping yourself in a safe space keeps your life small.

Something is wrong – but what?

You wonder if you might be depressed, but you do not seem sad. Perhaps it’s anxiety, then, but sleeping is not a problem.

Depression doesn’t always look like everyone else’s. Sometimes depression is a nagging feeling where you seem to have lost the spark for life.

You feel like you are on a merry-go-round thinking about the same things over and over – all the things you want for yourself – but you cannot follow up on anything you need to do to accomplish them.

So you stay small, hide, keep doing the same thing repeatedly, expect a different outcome, and feel exhausted.

1371275828Going through the motions is part of everyday life.

Suddenly, you realize if, for one single minute, you think about your sadness or focus on why you are hiding, you lose it. The pain floods your heart, and you start crying and feel helpless about what you should do to get out of this place you have kept yourself in for so long.

Talking about it, even seeking help, admitting that you don’t feel like yourself, or that there is something wrong is scary. But it is at these moments that reaching out and finding someone to help you are the ones that take the most courage.

I can help you!

Therapy can be two people talking. It is a space where you can feel heard, seen, and not judged; where you will find your courage and learn how to value yourself.

Once you learn how to value yourself, you will stop asking people for permission to be yourself; you can design the life you want to live and find your purpose.

You can live your best life and still make mistakes. That is how you learn, and there is nothing wrong with making mistakes because we all make them.

Through our work together, you can get to the other side of the fear and pain that keeps you in this place of frustration and impotence.

Contact me today, and let’s work together so you can get back in the mainstream of life rather than on the margins.