Therapeutic Supervised Visit

2053490774Why would you need a therapeutic supervised visit (TSV) with your child?

A few reasons could create the need for a therapeutic supervised visit with a child.

When regular supervised visits have failed, or you do not have a relationship with your child, the court may decide for the child’s safety a TSV is best.

If there are allegations made against a parent and a therapist is needed to assess the parent/child relationship, that is another instance when a court will require a TSV.

A TSV is not family therapy.

A TSV is a time you get to spend with your child, although it is well structured and solely focused on allowing the child to feel comfortable.

A TSV is not meant to be a long-term solution as it is not reunification therapy. But the therapist can recommend to the court if therapy is needed.

The therapist will focus on the child/parent relationship during the visit and provide recommendations and feedback to the parent. The therapist sometimes will intervene if needed as the TSV is focused on the child.

Sometimes, an off-site visitation is requested. Before having an off-site visitation, the safety of the case needs to be evaluated to assess the ability to control the environment and have proximity to the child.